What is an EMM probe?
The unique EMM probe is designed for measuring surrounding environment. Probe can be connected to a GPS tracker only or it can work as a part of SmartBox. Probe scans and collects highly accurate data of temperature, humidity, air pressure, light intensity, impacts, 3D orientation and G-forces. Measured values are sent in real-time to servers where user can see them in form of interactive graphs, tables, and reports. Alerts for the variables can be set and system will send alert when the values of set variable go over set limits.
Programmable sensors
Programmable parameters

-20°C to +60 °C
Resolution: 0.1 °C
Precision: +/- 0.5 °C
τ = 49 min

-100 °C to +50 °C
Resolution: 0.2 °C
Precision: < 1 °C

0 to 100 %
Resolution: 1%
Precision: typ. +/- 2%

50 to 115 kPa
Resolution: 0.2 kPa
Precision: typ. +/- 1kPa

1lx to 50000lx
256 levels
Spectral range
430 to 610 nm

0 to 180°
Resolution: 1 degree

-8 to 8G
Resolution: 0.1 G

Continuous sampling at 400 Hz
Examples of measuring devices


Probe with USB-C connector

USB-C connector serves as connection between the probe and GPS tracker.
Probe with mini USB connector

Mini USB connector serves as connection between the probe and older GPS tracker.
Probe with RJ45 connector

RJ45 connector serves as connection with EMMHUB device. It is possible to connect up to 3 EMM probes to the HUB. HUB also makes it possible connect to, control, and send additional devices or sensors data to platform.