What is an EMM probe?

The unique EMM probe is designed for measuring surrounding environment. Probe can be connected to a GPS tracker only or it can work as a part of SmartBox. Probe scans and collects highly accurate data of temperature, humidity, air pressure, light intensity, impacts, 3D orientation and G-forces. Measured values are sent in real-time to servers where user can see them in form of interactive graphs, tables, and reports. Alerts for the variables can be set and system will send alert when the values of set variable go over set limits.

Programmable sensors

Programmable parameters

  • Probe can be fully programmed over serial connection
  • Option to turn on / off each sensor individually
  • Very low power consumption
  • Programmable intervals for collecting/ sending data
  • Setting limits for temperature, light sensor, etc.

Internal temperature
-20°C to +60 °C
Resolution: 0.1 °C
Precision: +/- 0.5 °C
τ = 49 min
External PT100 terminal
-100 °C to +50 °C
Resolution: 0.2 °C
Precision: < 1 °C
Relative humidity
0 to 100 %
Resolution: 1%
Precision: typ. +/- 2%
Atmospheric pressure
50 to 115 kPa
Resolution: 0.2 kPa
Precision: typ. +/- 1kPa
Light levels
1lx to 50000lx
256 levels
Spectral range
430 to 610 nm
Tilt & 3D orientation
0 to 180°
Resolution: 1 degree
-8 to 8G
Resolution: 0.1 G
Impact / Free-fall counter
Continuous sampling at 400 Hz

Examples of measuring devices


  • Small in size (6cm x 2cm)
  • Ultra-low power consumption. No need for battery or special power supply. Power is derived form RX/TX data lines.
  • Electrical and comunication parameters: UART levels: 3V TTL , 9600 bps,N,8,1.
  • Reports back therm-sensor serial number for calibration protocols verification.
  • Build in real-time clock and calendar.
  • Every time probe is reset it automatically performs internal GMT clock synchronization with the back-end system. It is possible to re-sync the EMX’s internal clock with up-stream system any time.
  • All collected data is stored in internal cyclic buffer with depth of 3500 measurements. In case of buffer overrun , the oldest data is being replace with the newest data.
  • Each collected record is uniquely marked with 3bytes virtual address. In case of shortest possible sampling period (one minute) this virtual address range should last for 31 years before overrun. The virtual address is incremented by one with each data stored into internal memory. Back-end system can use this virtual address as a check for transmitted data integrity. In case of missing data block, probe can be requested to re-send historical data from it’s memory buffer.
  • Each environmental data send by probe is protected by check-sum code to detect possible information damage while transmitted to back-end system.
  • Unique serial alpha-mumerical number assigned. This serial number uniquely identifies each data data packet received from probe and allows to apply customized calibration tables on the back-end side. The serial number is not only reported with each data sample send out through serial line, but as well as with every command response generated by EMX probe.
  • Programmable data accumulation – This parameters tells the EMX probe to hold back the data transmission until specific number of samples is collected. This accumulated data is then send to the server all at once. In case the accumulation is set to zero the probe does not send any data to the back-end system and only stores it to it’s internal buffer.
  • Command to remotely read-out range of historical measurement data stored in EMX’s memory buffer (based on virtual address assigned to each of the collected samples).
  • Out-of-order excursion detection settings (upper and lower) for light, tilt and internal temperature sensor.
  • Excursion level for illumination is being checked once per 30s. (if activated).
  • Excursion level for internal temperature sensor is being checked once in a minute.(if activated).
  • Excursion level for tilt alert is checked every minute (if activated).
  • 3D orientation and impact detection is monitored continually with frequency 400Hz.
  • Programmable accelerometer setting. (G-Force level detection, minimal impact duration in range 0-159ms, after impact inhibit time 0-319ms).
  • Out-of-order reporting: In case of any excursion is detected, EMX1 tries to send the alert data immediately without respect to programmed sampling and accumulation parameters.
  • Each detected excursion stored in memory is especially marked with alert flag bit set. Both direction of crossing the excursion level is reported.
  • Implemented SW loader allows update of internal EMX’s firmware through special USB cable.
  • FOTA (Firmware Over The Air) remote FW programming allows remotely replace EMX’s internal FW while attached to communication terminal.
  • Watchdog security circuit – This circuit restarts the EMX1 probe in case of main SW loop lock-up.
  • Detailed power-management features – EMX1 suspends and put into sleep mode every sensor individually when idle or not used.
  • EMX monitors safe voltage levels needed for writes into internal NVRAM memory. Under safe levels all writes to internal FRAM memory are prevented in order to protect stored data against low-voltage-write damage.
  • EMX monitors its actual power voltage. If this voltage drops under sensors safe operational levels then the probe will suspend all it’s operation and will automatically reboot after safe voltage level is restored. This ability ensures defined state of operation for all on-board sensors.
  • Ability to combine multiple data samples and commands into one data package to save data costs.
  • Detailed communication and programming protocols available upon request.
  • Read_out of serial number
  • Read-out of actual virtual address range and probes internal settings.
  • Programmable communication terminal’s access password
  • Individually selectable which of environmental values should be monitored / checked against programmed excursion levels.
  • Samples collecting period ( measurement period ). Range of 0 – 255 min / sample.
  • Programmable samples accumulation value – Probe suspends all data transmission to back-end server until this amount of samples was collected.
  • Programmable Illumination excursion levels low and high. If “0” is programmed in both parameters, then excursion detection in illumination levels is disabled.
  • Programmable Internal temperature excursion levels low and high. If “0” is programmed in both parameters, then temperature excursion detection is disabled.
  • Fix period for illumination excursion detection ( 30s / check )
  • Fix period for internal temperature sensor excursion detection ( 1 minute / check )
  • Impact level detection parameters ( G-Force: -8G to +8G, Impact length: 0-159ms, after impact inhibit: 0-319ms.)
  • Command to reset EMM’s virtual address range.
  • Command to re-syncing EMM’s internal clock
  • Programming of “FRAM safe write voltage level”
  • Programming of “Sensors safe operation voltage leve”
  • Ability to re-sending any data stored in EMM’s internal buffer.
  • Command to force internal clock synchronization.
  • Command to activating remote Flash FOTA mode.
  • Configurable signalization LED settings. ( OFF, ON, Timed ON for 0-255 minutes ).
  • Programmable serial debug mode ( for testing and debugging )


Probe with USB-C connector

USB-C connector serves as connection between the probe and GPS tracker.

Probe with mini USB connector

Mini USB connector serves as connection between the probe and older GPS tracker.

Probe with RJ45 connector

RJ45 connector serves as connection with EMMHUB device. It is possible to connect up to 3 EMM probes to the HUB. HUB also makes it possible connect to, control, and send additional devices or sensors data to platform.