Practical small LTE GPS tracker with configurable SOS button, temperature and light sensor. The tracker records the location and sends this information via mobile data to the IoT server. The server processes the data in real time and enables their display in graphs and maps. Based on the data, it generates alerts via SMS, e-mail or web notification. The tracker battery ensures operation for up to three months in Smart Save Mode.


  • Immediately ready for action

  • Battery life up to 3 months

  • Easy charging via USB-C port

  • Configurable SOS button

  • SecuFlight2 mode

  • Real-time GPS tracking

  • Permanent route control

  • Temperature monitoring
  • Light level monitoring
  • Vibration for feedback

Technical parameters


Dimensions: 85 x 50 x 30 mm
Weight: 210 g
Battery capacity: 2600 mAh
Battery life: in Smart Save Mode up to 3 months

Operational temperatures
Charging: 0 °C až 45°C
Discharging only: -20 °C až 55 °C

Tracker meters – indicative values only
Temperature (-20°C ~ +60°C)
Light levels (1lx ~ 50000lx)

GNSS tracker

U-blox M10S concurrent GNSS module GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou, 72 Channels engine

  • Less than 25 mW power consumption without compromising GNSS performance
  • Maximum position availability with concurrent reception of 4 GNSS
  • Proven excellent performance, even with small antennas
  • Advanced spoofing and jamming detection

Cold start: 26 s
Hot start: 1 s
Aided Cold Start: 5 s

A-GNSS: AssistNow Online, AssistNow Offline, D-GPS, Battery backed RAM

Battery and GSM signal indicator
External GPS RMA connector (optional)


Optional LoRa Gateway

The LoRa gateway, an accessory of the SMARTBOX system, is designed for the wireless connection of up to four LRN probes or other wireless LoRa sensors. LoRa technology offers a long range for data transmission with minimum energy consumption.

It integrates a Cloud-native multi-constellation global navigation satellite system (GNSS) scanner and a passive Wi-Fi MAC address scanner as a backup for geolocation if there is no GNSS available for example in a dense urban area.

  • Long Range 2.4GHz transceiver

  • Wi-Fi ultra-low-power passive scanning 802.11b/g/n
  • High sensitivity, down to -132dBm

  • +12.5dBm, High efficiency PA

  • Low energy consumption, On-chip DC-DC

  • LoRa, FLRC, (G)FSK supported modulations
  • Programmable bit rate

  • Excellent blocking immunity

  • Ranging Engine, Time-of-flight function

  • BLE PHY layer compatibility

  • Low system cost

Environment monitoring

Internal temperature *
-20°C to +60 °C
Resolution: 1 °C
Light levels *
1lx to 50000lx
256 levels
Spectral range
430 to 610 nm

* These are sensors with uncertified calibration. An external EMM probe can be connected for accurate measurements with certified calibration.